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Camille (Hôte)
14/02/2023 06 06 57 (UTC)[citer]
Lebanon's central bank governor Riad Salameh poses during a studio photo session in the capital Beirut, on December 20, 2021<br> European investigators will question Lebanon's central bank chief Riad Salameh next month as part of a probe into his and his brother's affairs, a judicial official told AFP on Friday.<br> Investigators from France, Germany and Luxembourg heard witnesses in Beirut this week as part of the case of suspected financial misconduct including possible money laundering and embezzlement.<br> Salameh and his brother raja ngamen ( both deny any wrongdoing.<br> The central bank chief, in office for three decades, is widely blamed for monetary policies that contributed to an unprecedented economic crisis in Lebanon, but he has dismissed such criticism.<br> "The European judges will return next month to complete their investigations with 18 financial and banking figures... including Salameh and people close to him," said the official on condition of anonymity because they are not authorised to speak to the press.<br> On Friday, the investigators heard former interior minister Raya El Hassan, who also chairs the board of directors of Lebanese lender Bankmed.<br> They had already heard evidence for more than eight hours Tuesday from Ahmad Jachi, a central bank vice governor from 2003 to 2008, as well as Marwan Kheireddine, who heads Al Mawarid Bank.<br> They also questioned former vice governor Saad Andary on Monday.<br> The bankers were asked about accounts held by Raja Salameh, as well as "money transfers to the brothers' accounts abroad", a judicial official told AFP earlier this week.<br> Investigators also examined the central bank's ties to Forry Associates Ltd, a British Virgin Islands-registered company that listed Raja Salameh as its beneficiary.<br> Forry is suspected of having brokered Lebanese treasury bonds and Eurobonds at a commission, which was then allegedly transferred to Raja Salameh's bank accounts abroad.<br> France, Germany and Luxembourg last March seized assets worth 120 million euros ($130 million) in a move linked to a probe by French investigators into 72-year-old Salameh's personal wealth.<br> Lebanon opened its own probe into Salameh's affairs last year, after the office of Switzerland's top prosecutor requested assistance with an investigation into more than $300 million allegedly embezzled from the central bank with the help of his brother.<br> Since the financial crisis hit Lebanon in late 2019, leaving the country bankrupt, Lebanon's currency has lost more than 95 percent of its value and much of the population has been plunged into poverty.<br>
Elisa (Hôte)
14/02/2023 07 07 15 (UTC)[citer]
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Joesph (Hôte)
14/02/2023 09 09 43 (UTC)[citer]
Blessed with green fingers and a determination to preserve the natural world, this is the extraordinary story of a man who has single-handily created a forest bigger than New York's Central Park. <br>Jadav Payeng who lives on Majuli in Assam, India - the world's largest river island - was alarmed by the devastation caused to the land after a bout of extreme flooding and drought in 1979. <br>In a bid to prevent further erosion to his homeland, the then 16-year-old decided he would plant a sapling in the barren soil every day for the foreseeable future and now, 39 years on, his woodland covers 1,360 acres (Central Park measures 840 acres in comparison) and it is home to Bengal tigers, rhino, vultures and 115 elephants.<br> Jadav Payeng, who lives on Majuli in Assam, India - the world's largest river island - started planting trees 39 years ago in a bid to stop erosion and as a result, there is now a lush forest on what was once a barren patch of land.

Above, the environmentalist stands next to the first tree he planted <br> The father-of-three spent years secretly planting trees until he was accidentally discovered by photo journalist and wildlife enthusiast Jitu Kalita in the autumn of 2007<br> Desert-like: An image shows what the landscape on Majuli island typically looks like<br>Amazingly, the father-of-three's endeavours didn't come to light until the autumn of 2007, when he was accidentally discovered seeding his forest by photo journalist and wildlife enthusiast Jitu Kalita.<br>Kalita had hired a boat to take pictures of birds around the Brahmaputra river, which flows around Majuli Island, and while paddling through the shallow waters he spotted something unusual.<br>Telling his story in the documentary , which has amassed more than 2.7million views on YouTube, Kalita recalls: 'I saw something strange… it looked like a forest far in the distance.<br> RELATED ARTICLES

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'I began walking towards it and when I reached it I couldn't believe my eyes. I had found a dense forest in the middle of a barren wasteland.' <br>Payeng said he thought Kalita was a poacher when he first spotted him, on the hunt for rhinos or tigers, but he was surprised to learn that his visitor was in fact a journalist. <br>Kalita was fascinated by Payeng's story and spent time learning about his lifetime's work. <br> Payeng, who makes money with his wife by selling cow's milk to local villages, remains dedicated to his forest and says he will continue to plant until his 'last breath'. Payeng visits the forest daily and says the plants and wildlife are family to him<br> Payeng's story was picked up by national media after he met journalist daftar kembar jitu ( Kalita in the autumn of 2007.
He has nicknamed the 'Forest Man of India'<br> A map shows where Payeng's forest - known as Mulai Kathoni forest - is located in India<br>He went on to publish an article in a local paper that was then picked up nationally and Payeng was soon lauded as the 'Forest Man of India'.<br>Payeng, who makes money with his wife selling cows' milk to local villages, remains dedicated to his forest and says he will continue to plant saplings and seeds until his 'last breath'.<br>He said at first that planting was very time consuming but now it's much easier because the trees seed themselves.<br>Meanwhile on the wildlife front, stocks have flourished naturally.<br>But now the difficulties Payeng faces include threats from poachers and illegal loggers.<br>He mused: 'Humans consume everything until there is nothing left.

Nothing is safe from humans, not even tigers or elephants.  <br> Payeng said that at first planting was very time consuming but now it's much easier because the trees seed themselves<br> Payeng's work has been recognised far and wide and in 2015, he was honoured by the Indian Government with a Padma Shri civilian award. Many scientists have also highlighted Payeng as an example to follow<br>'I tell people, cutting those trees will get you nothing.
Cut me before you cut my trees.'<br>Payeng's work has been recognised far and wide and in 2015 he was honoured by the Indian Government with a Padma Shri civilian award.<br>Many scientists have also highlighted Payeng as an example to follow. <br>Dr Arup Kumar Sarma from the Indian Institute of Technology said: 'Payeng has already shown the example that if one person can, at his own effort, do this kind of plantation, then why not others.'<br>Payeng says his dream is to fill up Majuli Island with forest again, with 5,000 acres being his goal.<br>The environmentalist, who is in his late 50s, explains in another documentary highlighting his work - the  - that he gets up every morning around 3am then goes to his special forest, which is known as Mulai Kathoni, using a boat and bicycle.<br>He says the lifestyle in the area where he lives is pretty blissful, with little stress.  <br> This image shows how erosion impacts the island of Majuli, with the riverbanks slowly slipping into the water<br> Payeng says his dream is to fill up Majuli Island (pictured) with forest again, with 5,000 acres being his goal<br>Payeng says this is in stark contrast to bustling metropolises where people have little time to think about the world around them.<br>He says: 'Things are different in concrete forests (cities).
Those people sit in air conditioned rooms unmindful of the pollution created outside.<br>'People are fighting with each other, people here don't fight. They do their work, eat their food, breath oxygen and live in peace.' <br>In a short film by titled The Man Who Planted A Forest, Payeng reveals that he can still locate the first tree that he planted, with its solid frame now towering above him.<br>Standing next to the tree and patting its thick trunk, he concludes: 'Without you, I would not have seen the outside world.<br>'People from all across the globe come here now because this forest amazes them.'<br>

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PhilipTiexy (Hôte)
14/02/2023 20 08 39 (UTC)[citer] є ПЎМією з фПрЌ як ствПреММя, так і ліквіЎації юрОЎОчМПї ПсПбО, прОчПЌу ПЎМПчасМП ЌПжуть ствПрюватОся і ліквіЎПвуватОся Ўекілька юрОЎОчМОх Псіб. ПрО реПргаМізації віЎбувається заЌіМа суб'єктів, які Ќають вОзМачеМі права та ПбПв'язкО. РеПргаМізацію піЎпрОєЌства ЌПжМа зЎійсМОтО злОттяЌ, вОЎілеММяЌ, прОєЎМаММяЌ, пПЎілПЌ, перетвПреММяЌ. ПрО усьПЌу цьПЌу, реПргаМізація піЎпрОєЌства - Ўуже склаЎМа прПцеЎура, пПв'язаМа з безліччю тПМкПщів та МюаМсів, які ПбПє 'язкПвП МеПбхіЎМП врахПвуватО Ўля ЎПтрОЌаММя іМтересів усіх учасМОків цієї прПцеЎурО, а такПж; вОЌПг чОММПгП закПМПЎавства.
Callum (Hôte)
14/02/2023 21 09 13 (UTC)[citer]
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